Parthenope Bion Talamo

Last Updated: domenica, 22 dicembre, 2013

I have been working hard during these months when trying to prepare the full bibliography of the writings of Parthenope Bion. That has been made possible by my browsing through the papers and electronic files she has left, as Luigi Talamo and Alessandra Talamo generously have allowed me to do.
The task was indeed an hard one. Those of you who knew Parthenope can easily understand it: she was very creative, but didn't care about maintaining her archive. Therefore she has left a lot of papers, multiple versions of the same article, simple "cogitations", short notes and such. Moreover she was so modest she rarely quoted her previous papers when publishing a new one.
She used to share with me the rough drafts of the papers she was writing: that way we could discuss them together. But I never cared about when and where they were subsequently published. Neither Parthenope did it: she left some bibliographies of her papers, but outdated and not completed. And finally most of her papers were presented in some public conferences or seminars: and only when and if she was satisfied with them, they could be published. That's why my attempt leaves many doubts and I need your help.

The first list below includes some papers that could have been published (I have the full text or an outline of them), but I couldn't find any reference of them anywhere. Please browse through them and let me have any news you can have got about them (most of them are in Italian, but I didn't translate their titles, in order to keep clear the distinction between the papers that were translated and the ones that weren't):

The following list includes the papers that were surely published: some references or parts of them (pages, for example) may be missing and you are kindly requested to check them out:

Please, do help me to compile a full bibliography. Send your news to my private address.
Your contributions will be acknowledged.
Thanks in advance.